Call for Student Papers
for Sigma Delta Pi’s 5th Annual “Best Practices”  Session
to be held at the 99th Conference of the
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Hilton Chicago Hotel: Chicago, IL
July 6-9, 2017

Student Members of active Sigma Delta Pi chapters are invited to submit a proposal for a 15-minute presentation on your chapter’s “best practices” that focuses on Sigma Delta Pi activities at your local institution.  We strongly encourage proposals from student members who are actively involved in initiating, organizing, executing and/or participating in Sigma Delta Pi activities at their institutions.

By October 31, 2016, please e-mail the following to Sigma Delta Pi’s Executive Director (

1) your full name
2) name of your Sigma Delta Pi chapter and college/university
3) name of your chapter adviser
4) title of your proposed presentation
5) summary of your proposed presentation (no longer than 150 words)

3-4 papers will be selected from the submissions received, and the student presenters will be notified in early December 2016.

A student whose paper is selected for presentation will receive a $300 travel stipend plus paid conference registration courtesy of Sigma Delta Pi and a complimentary awards banquet ticket courtesy of the AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese).  However, the same student is expected to secure travel-related funding for all remaining expenses through his/her college/university, either via the academic departments, the dean’s or provost’s office, the office of student activities, or other institutional sources.   Colleges/universities often provide funding for students presenting at conferences.  Your chapter adviser can assist you with exploring these funding options.  Sigma Delta Pi is unable to provide monetary support beyond the $300 travel stipend and conference registration per selected student.

For information on the AATSP conference in July 2017, please visit the website:

Any questions should be directed to the Executive Director:

Four Students Selected for Sigma Delta Pi’s 4th Annual “Best Practices” Session

Sigma Delta Pi congratulates the following four student members for being selected to participate in the 4th Annual “Best Practices” session at the 98th Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese,
Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel, Miami, FL, July 8-11, 2016:

Rita Maria Hess, Illinois State University
“Los niños: El futuro de Sigma”

Gayle Jeffers, Alpha Phi- Texas Tech University
“Reaching Beyond Members : The ABCs of School Based Mentoring Programs.”

Meaghan Mormann, Illinois Wesleyan University
“Breaking Walls and Building Bridges”

Jourdan Schnabel and Nathan Schmid, University of MN Morris
“Bridging Cultures: Promoting Bilingual Literacy”

Additional details regarding session time and location forthcoming in early 2016.

Sigma Delta Pi: Upcoming Deadlines!

Please note upcoming fall 2015 deadlines for Sigma Delta Pi:

November 2, 2015
Student submissions for 4th Annual Sigma Delta Pi “Best Practices Session.” Details at

November 2015 (National Charter Month)
Submissions for 3rd Annual Facebook B-Day Cake Photo Competition. Details at

December 1, 2015
Entries for annual Frida Kahlo Award for outstanding chapter website.  Details at

December 21, 2015
Submissions for the spring 2016 online issue of Entre Nosotros.  Submission Guidelines at

 And don’t forget spring 2016 deadlines for Sigma Delta Pi:

February 1, 2016
Applications for Graduate Research Grants. Application form and related details at

Applications for Undergraduate Study Abroad Awards. Application form and related details at

May 1, 2016
Nominations for José Martel Award for Outstanding Chapter Adviser. Details at

Nominations for Ana María Matute Award for outstanding graduate student member. Nomination form and related details at

Applications for Chapter Project Grants. Application form and related details at



 Nominations for the Orden de los Descubridores.  Details at

Nominations for the Orden de Don Quijote. Details at

Orders for membership pins and certificates. Downloadable order form at

Sigma Delta Pi merchandise:

For the medallion and repostero, see

For other paraphenalia, to include ceremony kits, apparel, honor cords and stoles:


For regular announcements and news, visit:


National Announcements and News blog:

National Facebook page:



Deadlines for other opportunities and awards to include our undergraduate study abroad awards and Facebook picture contest will be forthcoming later this fall.

Sigma Delta Pi Holds 3rd Annual Student “Best Practices” Session in Denver, CO

Sigma Delta Pi held its 3rd Annual “Best Practices” Session at the 97th Conference of the AATSP in Denver, Colorado on Friday, July 17, 2015 from 1:30-2:45pm at the Denver Marriott City Center Hotel. Congratulations to the following three student members selected for their outstanding presentations:

Paige Bergan of Truman State University: “Utilization of Committees to Achieve Chapter Goals”

Chrysanthemum Gorospe of Marquette University: “Milwaukee Schools Ally Together”

Mayra Jaquez of the University of Northern Colorado: “Poesía a la lengua española”


All Sigma Delta Pi guests attended a special reception from 2:45-4:00pm at the same hotel.



Sigma Delta Pi’s 3rd Annual “Best Practices” Session and Members Reception at the AATSP Conference in Denver, CO

Sigma Delta Pi invites chapter members and delegates to its 3rd Annual “Best Practices” Session at the 97th Conference of the AATSP in Denver, Colorado on Friday, July 17, 2015 from 1:30-2:45pm at the Denver Marriott City Center Hotel. Congratulations to the following three student members selected for this year’s round of presentations:

Paige Bergan of Truman State University: “Utilization of Committees to Achieve Chapter Goals”

Chrysanthemum Gorospe of Marquette University: “Milwaukee Schools Ally Together”

Mayra Jaquez of the University of Northern Colorado: “Poesía a la lengua española”

All Sigma Delta Pi members and attendees to the “Best Practices” Session are invited to a special reception from 2:45-4:00pm at the same hotel.  Click here for registration and additional AATSP Conference information.